Accu-Lines FlipBoard (n).
A thin, virtually indestructible double sided clipboard with Accu-Lines Straight Line Sketch Design System on one side, and a smooth writing surface for note taking on the other.
The most amazing field tool since the pencil…

Whether you're a student, engineer, field adjuster, construction manager, home inspector, estimator, contractor, interior designer, artist or other professional, you need lightweight, heavy duty tools that endure the rigors you put them through.
The Accu-Lines Flipboard has been drop tested, run over, skid tested and forcibly smashed - we've been unable to break the board itself. Check out the videos on our product pages to learn more!

The Accu-Lines FlipBoard incorporates the sketch tech of Accu-Line patented straight line sketch design, so you can create straight line sketches without a ruler, every time.
The Accu-Lines Flipboard and CAD-Mat Sheets are essential tools for the professional that needs to get it right, and keep it straight. Accu-Lines Flipboard graph side incorporates 1/4″ dark & 1" bold graph spacing with a standard & metric ruler, and stainless steel clip(s) with removable rubber cleats.

Notes are important - pros know better than to only trust their memory. For the estimation pros, the Flipboard is available with an optional ESTIMATICS REFERENCE print of user calculations, and field reference tips. A true mind saver.
We alternately offer the clean look of only the Accu-Line LABEL/LOGO on the smooth side for easy identification and writing.