Accu-Lines FlipBoard (n).

A thin, virtually indestructible double sided clipboard with Accu-Lines Straight Line Sketch Design System on one side, and a smooth writing surface for note taking on the other.

The most amazing field tool since the pencil…



Whether you're a student, engineer, field adjuster, construction manager, home inspector, estimator, contractor, interior designer, artist or other professional, you need lightweight, heavy duty tools that endure the rigors you put them through.

The Accu-Lines Flipboard has been drop tested, run over, skid tested and forcibly smashed - we've been unable to break the board itself. Check out the videos on our product pages to learn more!



The Accu-Lines FlipBoard incorporates the sketch tech of Accu-Line patented straight line sketch design, so you can create  straight line sketches without a ruler, every time.

The Accu-Lines Flipboard and CAD-Mat Sheets are essential tools for the professional that needs to get it right, and keep it straight. Accu-Lines Flipboard graph side incorporates 1/4″ dark & 1" bold graph spacing with a standard & metric ruler, and stainless steel clip(s) with removable rubber cleats.



Notes are important - pros know better than to only trust their memory.  For the estimation pros, the Flipboard is available with an optional ESTIMATICS REFERENCE print of user calculations, and field reference tips.  A true mind saver.

We alternately offer the clean look of only the Accu-Line LABEL/LOGO on the smooth side for easy identification and writing.

Reviews from our customers

"A simple and effective way to create great looking sketches. It’s intuitive and once you use it you will wish you’ve always had one. 🤠👍👍"
- R. Scully

"Just got the Accu-Line boards in hand. Dude. It’s been SO long since I’ve used one of these and I forgot how much I freaking love this thing! [I used to have the piece that you slide under a sheet of paper on your clipboard.] Amazing!"
- M. Allen

"I love this Clipboard! Accu-Lines on the back makes my roof and interior sketches easy, more to scale and a lot more accurate!
I don’t have to worry about not having it with me since the Accu-Line is right there with me all the time.
It’s tough too! I dropped mine off the roof the other day not sure what to expect… Nothing. Not even a scratch. Very impressed.
I’m a big fan of Accu-Lines, BullyBag and these Flipboards.
- JC Allen

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